Friday, January 31, 2014

Year Round School

 Why year round school is a bad idea. A lot of kid are involved in sports, camps and family  vacations  in the summer.

People say that year round school will not improve learning because students seem to learn the same.
A sociologist at Ohio State University found that, over a full year, math and reading test scores improved about the same amount for children in year-round schools as they did for students whose schools followed a traditional nine-month calendar.( (Hippe)

They have not inpoved tests school in most of the suspect
However, year-round education is not the answer to low standardized test scores and cannot guarantee savings.(


          Work siudid 

A sociologist at Ohio State University found that, over a full year, math and reading test scores improved about the same amount for children in year-round schools as they did for students whose schools followed a traditional nine-month calendar.( (Hippe)

However, year-round education is not the answer to low standardized test scores and cannot guarantee savings.(

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